I’m Steffane (pronounced Stef-Uh-Nee). I know I know, it’s spelled…different (thanks mom 😅). So just call me Steff!

Imagine a starry-eyed child (you may even have one of your own!) with a boundless imagination and a deep love for creating. As I grew up my insatiable hunger for expressing myself took many forms. From drawing, to calligraphy, to music (singing, trumpet, piano, guitar, bass), to tattooing, sewing and creating cosplay and everything in between! I couldn’t get enough!


My artistic journey expanded after learning about psychology, philosophy, and astronomy in college. I studied abroad in Austria which changed my perspective drastically on the American lifestyle versus other ways of living and the global community we share as human beings. I became captivated by the way art could touch people's lives, evoke emotions, and connect us on a level that went beyond cultural differences—a human level.



After college I became enamored with the challenge that coding, technology and seemingly cold digital interfaces emitted (this was around 2014, I’m older than I look). Surely technology and art are seemingly opposite from the outside, so how could these worlds possibly exist together?

That’s when I discovered user experience design.

<aside> 💡 I discovered through user experience design, I could use my skills to create meaningful experiences that directly resolved human frustrations with the seemingly disconnected nature that un-intuitive, cold (and ugly) technology causes us to feel.


Now, with a wealth of experience and a toolbox brimming with skills, I'm eagerly looking for the next project to work my magic on. Whether it's harnessing the power of AI or creating impactful solutions, I'm ready for the challenge. Let's embark on this journey together and see where our combined creativity and drive for learning can take us!